Oleg Oprisco’s vivid Fine Art and Conceptual Photography has captured our hearts this week! Ukrainian-born Oprisco is currently based in Kiev, drafting inspiration from everyday life and the ever-changing world to create breathtaking photographic narratives. I love this quote of his spotted in a recent
interview with 500px: “We live in exciting times. Everything changes very quickly: the weather, architecture, landscape, people, time. We can see this all happening in real time.There is inspiration all around us. Everything that happens in our lives is a unique source of inspiration. There’s no sense in stealing someone else’s. Only the original is a unique creation. Be sure any artist of the 18th century, the 19th century is very jealous of us. We can live anywhere and create anything and show it around to world. Everything is in our hands.” -
Oleg Oprisco

Each photograph tells an individual story and is undeniably full of surrealism. Oprisco’s talents don’t end at photography... with his passion and creativity, Oprisco does all the work alone, from exploring the local flea markets for props to the concept, clothing, choice of location, hair and even the make-up!

It is even more impressive that these magical tableaus are produced just using a medium format film!

We have included some of our favorite photographs of his, but Oprisco has an impressive portfolio
on his website. Why not head over and check them out; he will be sure to have you captivated even more!
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