Cockpit Designer Makers Abigail Brown and Sian Zeng are taking part in the Wildthing exhibition at the
Aberystwyth Arts Centre in Wales from 25 June - 14 September . "Ideas and images of the natural world are richly rewarding sources of inspiration for artists working in many different media; Wild Thing shows contemporary British artworks which place the animal centre stage." Eve Ropek, Aberystwyth Arts Centre 2011
Abigail Brown "My work with birds evolved because I think of them as one of the most beautiful creatures. So precious, so fragile and yet so animated and positively bursting with life. Each piece develops its own character which is told through the twist of its head or its own individual stance. My work centres on animals because they give me comfort, they are truly heart warming, they make me smile...and that is the same reaction I hope to evoke in others." Abigail Brown

Sian Zeng On show: Sian's Magnetic Wallpaper and
Wick Vic's final robbery animation.
"Inspired by the changeable nature of fairy tale stories, where frogs can suddenly become princes and princes can become frogs, this work is concerned with visual narratives that can be altered through interaction. I have created a collection of narrative wallpapers that allow users to move magnetic characters on the wallpaper, write on the speech bubbles and place them anywhere they like." Sian Zeng
Wick Vic's final robbery This is a story about a bear, named Wick Vic, who wishes to look beautiful by adorning himself with colourful patterns. He lives in the woods and often robs people and their traveling companions of their colourful attire. This time, however, he had met someone less willing to part with her chicken's feathers. The heroine's mood swings from being shocked by the unexpected robbery, which is then transformed to an acceptance of it and later to sadness. It is this absolute sadness, where she had nothing to loose that gave her the strength to find Wick Vic, place a blanket over him, shake him and break him into parts. The story ends with Wick Vic broken, the chicken and the girl leave the forest, just like the way they came.

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